Sinotech Minerals Exploration: practitioner of mixed ownership

2017-08-22 07:38:18 admin 338


As is known, state-owned-enterprises often face the problems of lack of market consciousness, decision making process cumbersome and inefficient management. While Sinotech Minerals Exploration Co., Ltd.gets rid of such problems for its unique mixed ownership, which concluded state-ownership, private-ownership and technique-ownership since its establishment in 2004. The company was officially designated as the nation’s high technology enterprise since its establishment. Sinotech has registered capital of ¥362.304 million CNY. After years of rapid development and Sinotech people’s continued efforts, Sinotech is now well established and reputed in three major business fields: geological service, mineral exploration and mining development. Currently Sinotech owns more than one hundred properties all over the world, and has developed over twenty subsidiary investing companies. At present over 300 employees are working for Sinotech, and more than twenty of the employees are PhD or postdoctoral researchers. Their expertise widely covers geological, geophysical and geochemical explorations, remote sensing, mapping, geological engineering, geological hazard control and environment assessment, mining, ore dressing, and mine management, etc. How could Sinotech achieve remarkable successes during only 10 years? To know the answers, the reporter of International Financing Magazine interviewed Dr.Wang Jingbin, Chairmanand CEO of Sinotech Minerals Exploration Co., Ltd.